
We are not qualified or authorized to give legal advice on any jurisdiction other than Panama and none of the information on this site is to be construed as tax planning advice or advice on any law other than Panamanian law.

The contents of this site are for general information only and must not be deemed as advice in your individual case. We will provide advice on a one-to-one basis, after reviewing your personal circumstances.

Furthermore, if your home jurisdiction has a global tax system, you must seek legal advice from a tax specialist in your jurisdiction as to what your reporting requirements are if you decide to incorporate a company or foundation or open a bank account in Panama.

We are lawyers, NOT a bank nor a trust company. Banks and trust companies in Panama are strictly regulated by the Banking Superintendent’s Office and you should not deal with any company purporting to be a bank or a trust company that is not duly licensed.

We will communicate by email with you if you so prefer, but beware that said communications may not be as confidential as necessary to preserve client-attorney privilege.

Though great care has been used to give you in these pages an accurate summary of the subjects herein discussed, this is by no means a complete guide, nor is it updated frequently. We will be glad to represent you and at that time provide you with more detailed information on such areas as you may need.”